Patient Information
Salem Memorial District Hospital would like to encourage our patients and community to explore health issues. We are committed to every patient, every encounter, every time. We will not deny services based on a person's race, color, sex, national origin, disability, religion, sexual orientation, or inability to pay for services. We offer discounted fees for patients who qualify under the Financial Assistance information found on the Financial Assistance option on the left menu.
If you have recently been an inpatient at SMDH hospital, you now have a Patient Portal account. If you received an invitation to create an account, you can return to it by clicking here to sign on to view your medical information. If you do not have a Patient Portal account yet, be sure to ask about it when you request your medical record. Click here to print out the Medical Records request form for your convenience, if you have not signed up to share your Medical records on the Health Information Exchange.
SMDH supports the private and secure method to the benefit of all of our patients allowing physicians to access your medical information in an emergency through the Health Information Exchange (HIE) and also when your doctor needs your records immediately for better care. Salem Memorial District Hospital is recognized as a leader in Public Health Reporting in the Missouri statewide Health Information Exchange (HIE).
We offer "FREE WIRELESS" connections in all areas of our hospital campus. You will be able to connect through any mobile device while in any of our buildings.
If you are wanting more information on where to look for new insurance, please visit the Healthcare.gov website.
Salem Memorial District Hospital joins Missouri Health Connection as an EARLY ADOPTER of the Missouri Health Information Exchange. Here is the Press Release about this project.