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Female Nurse is comforting an elderly female patient by holding her hands
Female Nurse is comforting an elderly female patient by holding her hands

Acute Care

A 25 bed Medical Surgical unit providing high quality patient care in an atmosphere of caring and concern for patients and families. We have a certified electronic health record to help improve patient care and documentation.

Progress to Celebrate: Saving an estimated 50,000 lives and $12 billion in health care costs is something to celebrate. Congratulations to the 3,700 acute-care hospitals, including SMDH, that have participated in one of the Hospital Engagement Networks (HENs) that are part of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services' Partnership for Patients. Hospital Engagement Networks are a big reason that, between 2010 and 2013, hospital-acquired conditions fell by an impressive 17%, according to a report from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality on the national HAC rate for Partnership for Patients measures. Adverse drug events (down 44%), pressure ulcers (down 21%) and catheter-associated urinary tract infections (down 14%) are just some of the areas of improvement.

MHA released the Hospital Engagement Network 2012-2014 project report. The report details the results of the three-year project, which resulted in 9,060 patient harms and $91.7 million dollars saved. SMDH was noted as 1 of only 22 hospitals having achieved 40 percent harm reduction and 20 percent readmissions reduction by the end of the HEN contract of the 97 participating hospitals in Missouri.

Services available:

Heart Monitoring



End of Life care


Post Operative

Swing Bed

Please call 573-729-5917, ext. 4100 for more information.